Cooling Water Performance Testing for Small Scale Gamma Stirling Engine
Cooling water performance, Stirling engine, Compression temperature, Effectiveness, Thermal efficiency.Abstract
This study aims to evaluate and analyze the performance of cooling water in a small-scale Gamma-type Stirling engine. The research method employed was an experimental approach. The test results show that the inlet water temperature was 27.6 °C, while the average outlet water temperature reached 92.33 °C after 60 minutes of testing. Cooling water with an inlet temperature of 27.6 °C reduced the average heat source temperature from 484.51 °C to 64.78 °C on the compression chamber side. At an airflow rate of 0.006 m³/s, the average cooling effectiveness was recorded at 13%, with the highest value of 19.1% observed at the 55th minute of testing. This study concludes that cooling water effectively reduces the heat source temperature and improves thermal efficiency in a small-scale Gamma-type Stirling engine.
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